Friday, January 14, 2011

No Need to Run

There is no doubt we are living in troubled times. Crazy things are going on all around us. How can we protect ourselves from other human beings whose minds seem to snap as they reach for a gun and determine to end the lives of other humans? Do we take up our weapons or build a fortress and retreat from the world? Even if we think the likelihood of our becoming the target of someone's frustrations is slim to none, daily life can be filled with trials and problems that can easily zap our strength. Where do we go to find relieve? The temptation is to seclude ourselves; to find that place where we are unreachable to other humans. We seek to get away from it all and simply live in our secluded little sanctuary where no one but God is allowed to enter. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with spending 'alone time' with God. In fact, I would say that is an absolute necessity these days. Jesus often went away to be alone with the Father in order to recharge, refocus, and I believe recommit to the plan of God for His life. I am all for those times of getting alone with God to recharge, refocus and recommit to God's plan. However, those times, as good as they may be, are generally not extended stays. Those moments of recharging and refocusing must end with moments of recommitting to God's plan as I step out into the world to which God has sent me. The good news is I never step out into the world alone. I am never without His protection. Psalm 61:2-4, "From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!" The towering rock, the fortress, the safe refuge, the shelter of His wings can all be found in the very midst of the battlefield as we carry out the mission God has sent us to complete. There is no need to hide, no need to run, when God sends you into battle He is more than able to protect and keep you in the midst of the battle. 

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