There's an old song that I grew up singing almost every week in church services. He's all I need, He's all I need, Jesus is all I need. Over the years many other songs and choruses have echoed those thoughts. We sing them with gusto, reaching out to embrace the One who is more than enough for us. But do we really mean what we are singing.
A friend of mine once said the biggest lies Christians tell are the songs they sing in worship. It is easy to say that Jesus is all we need; it's quite another matter to live as if we really mean it. We make the claim and then cling to our earthly possessions as if our lives depended on our having those things. When God begins to strip our possessions one by one, our tune often changes to woe is me.
I know what you are thinking. God would never strip me of the things He has provided for me! Think again, He allowed it in Job's life. Job lost his wealth, his family, his health, everything he had. Yet Job could still worship his God. Over the past few years I have seen some of what I held dear stripped from my life. The question God continues to ask me is, "Am I still enough?"
This life gives us no guarantees. If tomorrow you lost your wealth, and God asked the question, "Am I still enough?" what would you answer? We want to believe that God has promised all American Christians prosperity and that we will never lack for anything. What makes us think God loves American Christians more than He loves those who suffer in third world countries? Some of those faithful servants of God live daily without the simple necessities of life. Yet, they love God and serve Him with their entire being day and night. Jesus and His disciples knew the trials of living life without basic necessities, but they went on never turning back from God's plan.
Regardless of what I have or what I lose is Jesus still enough? Yes, Lord, You are enough!
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