Friday, November 12, 2010

Count Your Blessings

There is a very old song that tells us to "count our blessings, name them one by one…" Have you ever tried to do that…just sit down and start counting the good things in your life? It sounds easy enough but what usually happens is, we sit down and name number one…let's see…I got it! I am definitely thankful for Coke. Now let's see, number two would be…uh, number two would be…man there's got to be something else I'm thankful for.
Obviously, I'm being a little facetious but most of us find it tough to come with anything beyond family, home and church. On the flip side if I were to ask you about your struggles within two minutes you would have a list as long as your arm. Why is it always easier to remember the bad parts of life? Could it be because that's where we choose to focus our thoughts? We mull over the bad things that happen to us, we throw our little pity parties, we rant and rave about the unfairness of it all, but we never really do much to change it.
Good and bad comes to every life, but we still have the choice as to which we want to focus our thoughts on. Allow me to challenge you. The next time something bad happens to you, take some time to think about something good in your life. Take time to really concentrate on that good thing, mull it over in your mind, throw a celebration party and shout to the world how wonderful life is. Not only will you be amazed at the change in your attitude, your neighbors will be totally freaked out and will be calling to see what's going on.
This Thanksgiving season take some time to count your blessings, and then share them with the world around you.  

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