Monday, September 6, 2010

Coke and the Bible

Coke and the Bible? You may be thinking those two things have absolutely nothing in common and if you are not a Coca Cola lover, you may be right. However, for those of us who are Coke fans, I have found several similarities.

The most obvious is ‘It’s the real thing!” True Coke drinkers could never be fooled in those taste tests. There’s just nothing even close to the taste of Coca Cola. It’s the real thing, the others are just copies of the true taste of cola. The Bible is also the real thing! It is the Word of God in written form. The apostle Peter testified to that fact in his second book when he stated, “Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding, or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.”
In the middle of our busy day, where would we be without our daily boost? Coke gives us that extra burst of energy to finish out our day. Granted there are other forms of caffeine that will do the same thing, but they’re not the “real thing” and they just do not taste as good. A simple dose of the Bible can have the same effect. As the day goes by and we become tired, God’s Word is just the pick me up we need to finish our day strong. 
On a hot day nothing compares with the refreshing taste of Coca Cola. It cools you from the inside out. The Bible has that same effect when the pressure is on and we feel like we just might explode if something doesn’t happen to cool us off. God’s Word speaks peace and rest into our lives allowing us to step back, relax, cool off and then continue on. 
Yeah, there’s just nothing like a nice tall glass of cold Coca Cola to sip on as I fill my inner person with the soothing, refreshing Word of God. Grab your glass of Coke and your Bible and let’s discover some answers to life’s issues. 

2 Peter 1:20-21

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I was just talking with a couple of friends last night about the incomprehensible idea of God loving us so much, He gave us this whole book on how to know Him and live for Him. It could have been much much bigger, but He also had the consideration to make it conveniently compacted to carry where ever. So my friend made the statement of God :" I give you my Son, AND I give you the Holy Spirit, AND eternal life, AND I give you the Bible,etc."
